Pada hari ini saya akan membahas kelanjutan dari postingan
saya yang kemarin, pada bagian 1 dengan dasar pengetahuan dan pengalaman saya bermain dari
game ini. Tentu semoga dapat membantu.
- The Seventh Mystery
- Seven - Star Legendary Sword's
The Seventh Mystery
saat anda menyelesaikan misi Ghost Ship yang pertama,, anda dapat menyelesaikan misi baru yang bernama Ghost Ship Extreme .. ke-7 pertanyaan yang akan diajukan kepada anda dari The Ghost, didepan gerbang depan Ghost Ship..
hanya 7 pertanyaan yang akan diberikan akan tetapi pertanyaan akn berulang ulang dan tidak berurutan keluarnya, jadi ini semua pertanyaannya yang ada :
Q : adalah pertanyaannya !!
A : Jawabannya !!!
Q: Who was the galaxy's top shipwright, the man who built the
Dorgenark along with Dorgengoa?
A: Chrisden Ark
Q: Who is not a receptionist at the Galaxy Corporation?
A: Miralka
Q: The galaxy's treasures are noted in this adventure log, which
happens to be Dorgengoa's favorite book.
A: The Geo Record
Q: The hunter Tamara Panola is right up there in the ranks. When she's
on the prowl, where can you usually find her?
A: Vedan Spaceport
Q: Miyoko and Chie are always wandering aimlessly. How many times did
you come across them?
A: 4 times
Q: Valkog's Hair is…
A: Blonde
Q: Juraika's deepest jungle is home to exceedingly fragrant coffee
beans. What does everyone call this treasure?
A: Burkaqua Mountain
Q: When did the legendary planet Marigleenn tuck itself away into
another dimension?
A: 10,000 years ago
Q: The Draxian Empire is the sworn enemy of the Longardian military.
Only one on Draxil's weapons appear in this game. Which one?
A: Zenon D
Q: Wait a while at the title screen to view the opening movie. Which
character makes the most appearances next to Jaster?
A: Kisala
Q: Henry and Robert are members of MIO's fan club, and the two of them
have her signature move down pat. Do you?
A: Turn twice and "Kawaii!"
Q: Who is Mariglenn's queen and Kisala's mother?
A: Freidias
Q: In Chapter 13, Jaster and his friends gathered heart energy in the
form of "Drigellums." What color was Deego's Drigellum?
A: Orange
Q: Kisala's Mist Boots are made out of which animal's fur?
A: Galactic Mink
Q: Jaster set off across the desert toward the Dorgenark to become a
space pirate. Who was the man who lent him a yago?
A: Katahari
Q: MIO is Zerard's favorite super-idol. Who of the following was the
first to become a member of her fan club?
A: Dr. Pocacchio
Q: There's a beast out there that likes to eat Granshees like Jupis.
What kind of beast is it, anyway?
A: A bird
Q: Jaster and Kisala met in Rosa desert. What were Kisala's first
words to Jaster?
A: "Over here!"
Q: Which of these is crushed into a powder and used as makeup by
Burkaquan women?
A: Yanan Fruit
Q: Jaster and his friends bounty hunt on the side. Which of these
quarries is the "jungle master"?
A: Beast Leone
Q: Dorgengoa recognizes Jaster as a pirate and gives him a coin.
What's on it?
A: A skull
Q: What color is the scarf that's part of Jaster's "Desert Claw"
A: Red
Q: Jupis was behind the Starship Factory takeover in Zerard. Who was
the reporter that covered this breaking news?
A: Lucy Dyne
Q: Lovely! Honey! MIO!! When MIO's in concert, what's the name of the
clone robot that takes her place at the reception desk?
A: M10
Q: Which of Steve's special attack abilities gives 120 percent power,
all the time?
A: Strange Beam
Q: Each of Zax Morarty's henchman make their own fashion statements,
but which of the following was missing when they first appeard?
A: Fancy Eyeglasses
Q: How many "oa"s did Monsha tack onto his whoa before crashing on
A: 4
Q: You got through Arabis's ghost ship not to long ago, right? So
which one of these didn't show up while you were there?
A: Sand Kraken
Q: Which of these people seems to have no interest in the Insectron?
A: Professor Izel
Q: The mysterious prisoner you meet in Rosencaster Prison is actually
A: Admiral Banarge
Q: Draxil is the sworn enemy of the Longardian Federation. What's its
full name?
A: The Draxian Empire
Q: Which one of these is the tallest?
A: Mish
Q: Filio, Dario, and Shero are three strange fellows living on Juraika.
What's their real relationship?
A: Good friends
Q: Toady can help transform your allies' weapons. Which of the
following is one of Simon's most powerful launchers?
A: Paradise Lost
Q: What is the model number of Ragnar, the Mariglendan multipurpose
android you met in the Sylvazard Desert Labyrinth?
A: 2947
Q: What was the name of the ultimate Drigellum, made from the hearts
of the Mariglendans?
A: Prayer
Q: What's the name of the guy quizzing you on the Seventh Mystery—in
other words, me?
A: Minoc
Q: One of Kisala's abilities is Deadly Stench," wherein she lobs one
of Dorgengoa's socks at a foe. If the enemy doesn't die, it
A: Poisoned
Q: Jupis Tooki McGanel knows how to get ahead! When he joined the
Dorgenark's crew, with what did he bribe Kisala?
A: Dumplings
Q: How often does Arabis's ghost ship appear?
A: Once every 40 years
Q: The Seven-Star Swords are legendary galactic treasures. Desert Claw
gives you the Desert Seeker; which one does Raul leave in the
A: Pride of Kings
Q: Which of these is a real beast?
A: Smilier
Q: Desert Claw is a strong ally, appearing when you need him most.
What's his real name?
A: Mizel
Q: The Sand Kraken was an ancient beast sleeping in the Sylvazard
Desert labyrinth. How many legs does it have in total?
A: 8
Q: Zax Morarty has Myna under his thumb. You only get to see him in
one cutscene, but what color was his suit?
A: White
Q: The secret behind Monsha's luxurious coat is a balanced diet and…
A: 3 hrs. of exercise a day
Q: Which beast did Jaster take on first?
A: Baphu
Q: What color is the pattern on Burkaquan Chief Ugozi's loin cloth?
A: Orange
Q: Travelers can only land on the ocean planet Alistia for a limited
period of time. Who's responsible for this rule?
A: The Galaxy Corporation
Q: What's the name of the android Insector invented by Dr. Pocacchio?
A: White Miracle
Q: What's the name of the Dorgenark's stylish lounge, where
crewmembers can always relax?
A: Veronica
Q: The bartender at the Dorgenark's lounge shows up in the Insectron
S-rank match. What's his "ring name"?
A: Jin Red
Q: Let's see how sharp you are. What's the unit of currency in the
Guin System?
A: Zehn
Q: Which one of these is not an insector?
A: Itsahuman
Q: Faeries are the most elusive of Insectors. Among these, the shyest
little sprite of all is the pigtailed…
A: Mary Faerie
Q: The crew of the Dorgenark always gives such good advice. Which one
of them weighs the most?
A: Davis
Q: What is the name of Rogue Galaxy developer Level-5's first game?
A: Dark Cloud
Q: These blushing newlyweds accidentally came to Myna for their
A: Brahms & Heidemarie
Q: Where do miners on Myna like to go after a hard day's work?
A: Angela's Bar
Q: Your friends all have their own swimming styles: Jaster does the
breastroke, Deego does the doggy paddle, and so on. But what about
A: Flutter Kick
Q: Jaster defeated his first quarry, the Scorching Alchemist, in the
Salgin residentual area. How many points did he earn?
A: 20000
Q: What is Dr. Pocacchio's full name?
A: Donald Pocacchio
Q: Who's the eternal rock star everyone talks about at the Myna Power
Station Plaza?
A: Safari
Q: She's in love with pink, and looks for it everywhere. Her
boyfriend's just along for the ride. Who are they?
A: Pinky & Arnim
Q: Zegram is particularly fond of "Pirate's Grog." What's its alcohol
A: 80%
Q: What is the official name of planet Mariglenn?
A: Le Marie Glennecia
Q: How many piercings does Zegram have in his ears? (Hint: Get up
close and look verrry carefully!)
A: 2
Q: Which one of these female hunters very nearly caught the Myna
tunnel beast known as the Rumored Ladyhunter?
A: Tamara Panola
Q: Running, running, always running. What does Deego talk about most
while out running from place to place?
A: Military Training
Seven - Star Legendary Sword's
Pada bagian ini, saya akan menjelaskan cara mendapatkan ke 7 pedang legendaris yang dapat Jester (Karakter utama) gunakan dalam game Rogue Galaxy ini.
Pada bagian ini, saya akan menjelaskan cara mendapatkan ke 7 pedang legendaris yang dapat Jester (Karakter utama) gunakan dalam game Rogue Galaxy ini.
7 Pedang Legendaris
Desert Seeker
Desert Seeker III
Desert Seeker III
Earth Shaker
Ixion II
Ixion II
Guard Axis
Cosmolore II
Cosmolore III
Great Ceaser
Great Ceaser II
Great Ceaser III
Babylon Reborn
Pride Of King
Pride Of King II
Pride Of King III
Kingdom Master
Duke Nightmare
Duke Nightmare II
Duke Nightmare III
Dark Cloud
Pegasus Lord
Pegasus Lord II
Pegasus Lord III
Gryphon Lord
*Catatan : untuk meng-upragrade senjata legendaris ke tahap-tahap berikutnya dapat di lihat disini
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Pedang ini diberikan Desert Claw kepada Jaster diawal Chapter, sebelum Steve dan Simon bergabung dalam timmu.
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Mula-mula pergilah ke planet Juraika : jalanlah ke reruntuhan paling ujung akhir di area tersebut, dimana terdapat tempat berbentuk bangunan piramid. Disana anda akan menemukan Mesod, berbicaralah dengannya kemudian pergilah ke planet Zerard. Lalu pergilah ke tower Galdius bagian tower pertama : lantai 3/F3. Dari sana gunakanlah alat transportasi ambil kiri pertama dan kearah atas hingga kebagian utara. Ketika anda sampai disana, carilah Silman dan berbicaralah dengannya kemudian pergilah ke planet Vedan.
Pada planet Vedan : pergilah ke bangunan Cancer King's Ruins bagian Oprhan's Hideout. Buatlah jalan ke sudut di arah utara-timur dari area ini. Berbicaralah dengan Nico disana, kemudian kembali kekapalmu Dorgenark bagian Control Room. Berbicaralah dengan Carroco di dekat Terminal. Dan terakhir, masuklah ke dalam ruangan yang ada sofa/ tempat duduk, kemudian gunakan alat Transportasi. Periksa bagian tengah pada monumen tersebut, dan disana anda akan mendapatkan pedang Cosmolore.
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Belilah The Annals of Hades dari Corbis. Kemudian Berbicaralah dengan Rodullier didalam toko yang sama tersebut. Selanjtnya pergilah ke area Rosa : Ancient Ruins/ near the Tunnel. Masuklah ke dalam tunnel atau terowongan tersebut, kemudian langsung ke arah utara sampai anda keluar dari terowongan. Pada Bagian area Tengah anda akan bertemu dengan laki-laki tua di balik pilar tersebut. Berbicaralah dengannya, dan pilihlah jawaban "No atau tidak" untuk mendapatkan pedang Great Caesar.
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Ketika anda kembali dari Johannasburg ke Salgin, dan berbicara dengan Ulbor di luar gereja. Setelah itu masuklah kedalam kegereja dan carilah peti disana. Bukalah peti tersebut dengan menggunakan Star Key, dalam peti tersebut anda akan menemukan pedang Pride of Kings.
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Beli pedang Metal Breaker dari Alice; beli pedang Grand Calibur dari Wanboko; Beli pedang Spirit Calibur dari Kayo; dan Beli pedang Adamon Raiser dari Narcissus.
Kemudian Up-grade:
-Metal Breaker + Grand Calibur = Demon Rouser
-Spirit Calibur + Adamon Raiser = Majestic Halo
-Majestic Halo + Demon Rouser = Duke Nightmare
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Pada area Rosa : bangunan Labyrinth bagian pintu masuk/ Entrance. kemudian pergilah kearah selatan untuk menemukan Kyralil Bell dan berbicaralah dengannya (2 kali).
Sekarang, tugas anda adalah menemukan Blaster J, lokasi tidak menentu. Cara terbaik menemukannya mulailah telusuri dari jalan pertama atau awal sampai akhir jalan, periksalah di setiap sudut-sudut bangunan di dalam Labyrinth. Ketika anda bertemu Blaster J dan berbicara dengannya, ia akan memberikan pedang Pegasus Lord kepadamu. | |